Tutorial: Getting started with GendL
<-Previous | ^UP^ | Next->This tutorial should equip you with the basics to get you started using GendL including
- Development tools
- An introduction to some of the commonly used Common Lisp functionality
- Using GendL's built in primitives, and extending them for your own specific needs
- Examples on building applications
- Practical guidance on designing code structures
- Getting started with GendL
- GendL Introduction
- Instantiating objects in the REPL
- Instantiating objects in Geysr
- Defining Objects
- Numbers and Arithmetic
- Positioning and Orientation
- Sequences of Objects
- Lists
- Functions and :functions
- Equality
- Conditionals
- Wall example - sequences, positioning and collating outputs
- More on Lists
- Iteration and Mapping
- Truss example - positioning and orientation
- Assembling objects
- Characters and strings
- Formatted output
- Generating a formatted BoM
- Index