Building pages from base-html-divs
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In the Creating and Publishing web pages topic, the slot body was identified as the slot that needed to be populated with a html string in order for the object to be rendered as a web page. The whole page and be defined as a single string in this slot if required, but building a page from base-html-divs may lead to an easier to manage page and encourages modularity and reuse, which in turn provides a common look and feel to pages
A base-html-div is an object, which evaluates the div message to a html string and then we include that message in the objects parent body. To populate the div slot, we need to write a html string to the inner-html slot. The base-html-div object then wraps this string with some standard html when div is evaluated.
(in-package :gwl-user)(define-object simple-page-with-section (base-html-page):computed-slots((body (with-lhtml-string ()(when gwl:*developing?* (str (the development-links)))(:h2 "Basic Page Sections")(str (the section-1 div))))):objects((section-1 :type 'base-html-div:inner-html(with-litml-string ()(:p "Using page sections to provide content")))))(publish-gwl-app "/simple-base-html-div" "gwl-user::simple-page-with-section")
This method, passing the value of inner-html directly into a base-html-div object works well for fairly simple cases and avoids the need for creating bespoke objects based on base-html-div, but for more complex calculations of the inner-html value, potentially involving a number of different inputs, it is often more practical and manageable to create specific objects by mixing in base-html-div
(in-package :gwl-user)(define-object simple-page-with-custom-section (base-html-page):computed-slots((input-list (list 1 2 3))(body (with-lhtml-string ()(when gwl:*developing?* (str (the development-links)))(:h2 "Basic Page Sections")(str (the section-1 div))))):objects((section-1 :type 'base-html-div-1:input-list (the input-list))))(define-object base-html-div-1 (base-html-div):input-slots(input-list):computed-slots((inner-html (with-lhtml-string ()(:table :border 1(:tr (:th "Content"))(dolist (c (the input-list))(htm (:tr (:td (fmt "Cell ~a content" c))))))))))(publish-gwl-app "/simple-page-with-custom-section" "gwl-user::simple-page-with-custom-section")
The difference between a base-html-div inner-html and div is that div wraps the html defined in inner-html with a html div tag and an internally generated id attribue for that tag.
GWL-USER (make-self 'base-html-div-object)
#<BASE-HTML-DIV-OBJECT #x210462B07D>GWL-USER (the section-1 inner-html)
<table border="1"> <tr><th>Content</th></tr> <tr><td>Cell 1 content</td></tr> <tr><td>Cell 2 content</td></tr> <tr><td>Cell 3 content</td></tr></table>GWL-USER (the section-1 div)
<div id="KDpTSEVFVC1TRUNUSU9OLTEp"> <table border="1"> <tr><th>Content</th></tr> <tr><td>Cell 1 content</td></tr> <tr><td>Cell 2 content</td></tr> <tr><td>Cell 3 content</td></tr> </table></div>