Object: C-CYLINDER (The :GEOM-BASE Package) |
Mixins: CYLINDER |
Input Slots (required) | |
END 3d point | |
Center of the end cap. | |
RADIUS [from CYLINDER] number | |
Radius of the circular cross section of the cylinder. | |
START 3d point | |
Center of the start cap. | |
Input Slots (optional) | |
BOTTOM-CAP? [from CYLINDER] boolean | |
Determines whether to include bottom cap in shaded renderings. Defaults to T. | |
BOUNDING-BOX [from BASE-OBJECT] list of two 3d points | |
The left front bottom and right rear top corners, in global coordinates, of the rectangular volume bounding the tree of geometric objects rooted at this object. | |
CLOSED? [from CYLINDER] boolean | |
Indicates that a partial cylinder (or cone) should have a closed gap. | |
END-ANGLE [from ARCOID-MIXIN] angle in radians | |
End angle of the arc. Defaults to twice pi. | |
HEIGHT [from BASE-OBJECT] number | |
Z-axis dimension of the reference box. Defaults to zero. | |
HIDDEN? [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] boolean | |
Indicates whether the object should effectively be a hidden-object even if specified in :objects. Default is nil. | |
IMAGE-FILE [from BASE-OBJECT] pathname or string | |
Points to a pre-existing image file to be displayed instead of actual geometry for this object. Defaults to nil | |
INNER-RADIUS [from CYLINDER] number | |
Radius of the hollow inner portion for a hollow cylinder. | |
LOCAL-BOX [from BASE-OBJECT] list of two 3d points | |
The left front bottom and right rear top corners, in global coordinates, of the rectangular volume bounding this geometric object. | |
Number of vertical sections to be drawn in wireframe rendering mode. | |
OBLIQUENESS [from BASE-OBJECT] 3x3 orthonormal matrix of double-float numbers | |
This is synonymous with the orientation. | |
ONCLICK-FUNCTION [from BASE-OBJECT] lambda function of zero arguments, or nil | |
If non-nil, this function gets invoked when the user clicks the object in graphics front-ends which support this functionality, e.g. SVG/Raphael and X3DOM. | |
ROOT [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] gdl instance | |
The root-level node in this object's ``tree'' (instance hierarchy). | |
SAFE-CHILDREN [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] list of gdl instances | |
All objects from the :objects specification, including elements of sequences as flat lists. Any children which throw errors come back as a plist with error information | |
START-ANGLE [from ARCOID-MIXIN] angle in radians | |
Start angle of the arc. Defaults to zero. | |
STRINGS-FOR-DISPLAY [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] string or list of strings | |
Determines how the name of objects of this type will be printed in most places. This defaults to the name-for-display (generally the part's name as specified in its parent), followed by an index number if the part is an element of a sequence. | |
TOP-CAP? [from CYLINDER] boolean | |
Determines whether to include bottom cap in shaded renderings. Defaults to T. | |
VISIBLE-CHILDREN [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] list of gdl instances | |
Additional objects to display in Tatu tree. Typically this would be a subset of hidden-children. Defaults to NIL. | |
WIDTH [from BASE-OBJECT] number | |
X-axis dimension of the reference box. Defaults to zero. | |
Input Slots (optional, defaulting) | |
May contain keywords and values indicating display characteristics for this object. The following keywords are recognized currently:
| |
Computed Slots | |
CENTER 3d point | |
Center point of the center-line. | |
CENTER-LINE list of two 3d points | |
Represents line segment connecting center of end cap to center of start cap. | |
LENGTH number | |
Distance between cap centers. | |
ORIENTATION 3x3 orthonormal rotation matrix | |
Resultant orientation given the specified start and end points. | |
(in-package :gdl-user) (define-object c-cylinder-sample (c-cylinder) :computed-slots ((display-controls (list :color :plum :transparency 0.2)) (start (make-point 0 0 0)) (end (make-point 0 0 10)) (number-of-sections 7) (radius 3))) (generate-sample-drawing :objects (make-object 'c-cylinder-sample) :projection-direction (getf *standard-views* :trimetric))
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