Package Documentation



Defines a simple drawing with a single view for displaying objects or object-roots.

Input Slots (optional)

BOUNDING-BOX [from BASE-OBJECT] list of two 3d points

The left front bottom and right rear top corners, in global coordinates, of the rectangular volume bounding the tree of geometric objects rooted at this object.

HEIGHT [from BASE-OBJECT] number

Z-axis dimension of the reference box. Defaults to zero.

HIDDEN? [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] boolean

Indicates whether the object should effectively be a hidden-object even if specified in :objects. Default is nil.

IMAGE-FILE [from BASE-OBJECT] pathname or string

Points to a pre-existing image file to be displayed instead of actual geometry for this object. Defaults to nil

LENGTH [from BASE-OBJECT] number

Y-axis dimension of the reference box. Defaults to zero.

LOCAL-BOX [from BASE-OBJECT] list of two 3d points

The left front bottom and right rear top corners, in global coordinates, of the rectangular volume bounding this geometric object.

OBLIQUENESS [from BASE-OBJECT] 3x3 orthonormal matrix of double-float numbers

This is synonymous with the orientation.

ONCLICK-FUNCTION [from BASE-OBJECT] lambda function of zero arguments, or nil

If non-nil, this function gets invoked when the user clicks the object in graphics front-ends which support this functionality, e.g. SVG/Raphael and X3DOM.

PAGE-LENGTH [from BASE-DRAWING] number in pdf points

Front-to-back (or top-to-bottom) length of the paper being represented by this drawing. The default is (* 11 72) points, or 11 inches, corresponding to US standard letter-size paper.

PAGE-WIDTH [from BASE-DRAWING] number in pdf points

Left-to-right width of the paper being represented by this drawing. The default is (* 8.5 72) points, or 8.5 inches, corresponding to US standard letter-size paper.

ROOT [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] gdl instance

The root-level node in this object's ``tree'' (instance hierarchy).

SAFE-CHILDREN [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] list of gdl instances

All objects from the :objects specification, including elements of sequences as flat lists. Any children which throw errors come back as a plist with error information

STRINGS-FOR-DISPLAY [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] string or list of strings

Determines how the name of objects of this type will be printed in most places. This defaults to the name-for-display (generally the part's name as specified in its parent), followed by an index number if the part is an element of a sequence.

SVG-CLASS [from BASE-DRAWING] string with css classes

These classes will be included in any svg tag outputted from this drawing.

VISIBLE-CHILDREN [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] list of gdl instances

Additional objects to display in Tatu tree. Typically this would be a subset of hidden-children. Defaults to NIL.

WIDTH [from BASE-OBJECT] number

X-axis dimension of the reference box. Defaults to zero.

Input Slots (optional, defaulting)

CENTER [from BASE-OBJECT] 3d point

Indicates in global coordinates where the center of the reference box of this object should be located.


May contain keywords and values indicating display characteristics for this object. The following keywords are recognized currently:

color keyword from the *color-table* parameter, or an HTML-style hexidecimal RGB string value, e.g. "#FFFFFF" for pure white. Defaults to :black.
an integer, defaulting to 1, indicating relative line thickness for wireframe representations of this object.
(currently PDF/PNG/JPEG only). This is a list of two or three numbers which indicate the length, in pixels, of the dashes and blank spaces in a dashed line. The optional third number indicates how far into the line or curve to start the dash pattern.

ORIENTATION [from BASE-OBJECT] 3x3 matrix of double-float numbers

Indicates the absolute Rotation Matrix used to create the coordinate system of this object. This matrix is given in absolute terms (i.e. with respect to the root's orientation), and is generally created with the alignment function. It should be an orthonormal matrix, meaning each row is a vector with a magnitude of one (1.0).

Package Documentation