
Function: Alignment

ALIGNMENT 3x3 orthonormal rotation matrix

Constructs a rotation matrix from the given axes and vectors. Up to three pairs of axis and vector can be given. If only one pair is given, then the orthogonal component of its vector with respect to the other two global axes is used. If a second pair is given, then the orthogonal component of its vector with respect to the first vector is used. A third pair is only required if a left-handed coordinate system is desired (right-handed is the default). The third vector will always be converted to the cross of the first two, unless it is given as the reverse of this, which will force a left-handed coordinate system. Axes are direction keywords which can be one of:

  • :right
  • :left
  • :rear
  • :front
  • :top
  • :bottom
The second axis keyword, if given, must be orthogonal to the first, and the third, if given, must be orthogonal to the first two.

axis-1 Direction Keyword
vector1 3D Vector
optional arguments:
axis-2 Direction Keyword, Default Value: NIL
vector2 3D Vector, Default Value: NIL
axis-3 Direction Keyword, Default Value: NIL
vector3 3D Vector, Default Value: NIL
