
Parameter: Gendl::*With-Format-If-Does-Not-Exist*

Establishes the default for the :if-does-not-exist format-slot of the base-format. If you want to change this default behavior, you can override this parameter globally or bind it dynamically. Alternatively you can specify a different value for :if-does-not-exist in the call to with-format. Valid keywords are the same as for Common Lisp open or with-open-file. Default is :create.

  (let ((*with-format-if-does-not-exist* :error))
    (with-format (x3d  "/tmp/box.x3d") 
      (write-the-object (make-instance 'box :length 100 :width 100 :height 100) cad-output)))
  (with-format (x3d "/tmp/box.x3d" :if-does-not-exist :error)
    (write-the-object (make-instance 'box :length 100 :width 100 :height 100) cad-output) 
