
Macro: Write-The-Object

WRITE-THE-OBJECT lisp object [macro]

Typcially used only to send output, not for the return value. This macro is used within the body of a with-format. It sends the reference-chain to object, which must be specified as a Lisp expression (e.g. a variable) which evaluates to a GDL object. The reference-chain must terminate with an output-function defined for the combination of the output-format specified in the enclosing with-format, and the object identified by object.

reference-chain (&rest)
A spliced-in list of symbols naming messages, which can be slots or objects starting from object, terminating with the name of an output-function. For referring to elements of a quantified set, or for passing arguments to GDL functions which take arguments, use parentheses around the message name and enclose the quantified element index or function arguments after the message name
