Returns a new list consisting of only the leaf-level atoms from list.
Since nil is technically a list, flatten also has the effect of removing
nils from list, but may be inefficient if used only for this purpose. For
removing nil values from a list, consider using remove nil ... instead.
- note:
- from Stack Overflow forum:
- note:
- Creative Commons license
(defun flatten (lst &aux (result '()))
(labels ((rflatten (lst1)
(dolist (el lst1 result)
(if (listp el)
(rflatten el)
(push el result)))))
(nreverse (rflatten lst))))
- note:
- This will not work with dotted lists, only with actual lists. If
you need dotted lists, use the old definition of flatten, from Paul
Graham On Lisp:
(defun flatten (tree)
(if (atom tree)
(ensure-list tree)
(nconc (flatten (car tree))
(if (cdr tree) (flatten (cdr tree))))))
- arguments:
- list List
- see-also:
- remove