Object: ASSEMBLY (The :YADD Package) |
(gwl:crawl "yadd:assembly")The packages to be documented, and whether the green/red supported messages flags show up, can be controlled with optional-inputs.
Input Slots (optional) | |
This is an empty function by default, but can be overridden in the respondent of a form, to do some processing after the respondent's write-html-sheet function runs to present the object. | |
AFTER-SET! [from BASE-HTML-SHEET] void | |
This is an empty function by default, but can be overridden in the requestor of a form, to do some processing after the requestor's form values are set into the specified bashee. | |
BASHEE [from SKELETON-UI-ELEMENT] gdl object | |
Object to have its settable computed-slots and/or query-plist set from the fields on the form upon submission. Defaults to self. | |
This is an empty function by default, but can be overridden in the respondent of a form, to do some processing before the respondent's write-html-sheet function runs to present the object. This can be useful especially for objects which are subclasses of higher-level mixins such as application-mixin and node-mixin, where you do not have direct access to the write-html-sheet function and typically only define the model-inputs function. It is not always reliable to do processing in the model-inputs function, since some slots which depend on your intended modifications may already have been evaluated by the time the model-inputs function runs. | |
This is an empty function by default, but can be overridden in a user specialization of base-html-sheet, to do some processing before the header-plist is evaluated and before the HTTP response is actually initiated. | |
This is an empty function by default, but can be overridden in the requestor of a form, to do some processing before the requestor's form values are set into the specified bashee. | |
BODY-CLASS [from BASE-AJAX-SHEET] string or nil | |
Names the value of class attribute for the body tag. Default is nil. | |
BODY-ONLOAD [from BASE-AJAX-SHEET] string of javascript or nil | |
This Javascript will go into the :onload event of the body. Default is nil. | |
BODY-ONPAGESHOW [from BASE-AJAX-SHEET] string of javascript or nil | |
This Javascript will go into the :onpageshow event of the body. Default is nil. | |
BODY-ONRESIZE [from BASE-AJAX-SHEET] string of javascript or nil | |
This Javascript will go into the :onresize event of the body. Default is nil. | |
CHECK-SANITY? [from BASE-HTML-SHEET] boolean | |
Determines whether a a sanity check is done (with the check-sanity function) before presenting the response page if this page is a respondent. Default is NIL. | |
DOCTYPE-STRING [from BASE-AJAX-SHEET] string or nil | |
Contains the string for the doctype at the top of the document. Default is the standard doctype for HTML5 and later. | |
DOM-ID [from SKELETON-UI-ELEMENT] string | |
This is the auto-computed dom-id which should be used for rendering this section. If you use the main-div HTML string for rendering this object as a page section, then you do not have to generate the :div tag yourself - the main-div will be a string of HTML which is wrapped in the correct :div tag already. | |
EXTERNAL-ONLY? boolean | |
This defaults to nil, if it is set to t, only exported symbols will be considered for documentation. | |
FORCE-VALIDATION-FOR [from SKELETON-UI-ELEMENT] list of gdl objects of type form-control | |
The validation-function will be forced on these objects when a form is submitted, even if the object's html form-control does not happen to be included in the values submitted with the form. Defaults to nil. | |
HEAD-CLASS [from BASE-AJAX-SHEET] string or nil | |
Names the value of class attribute for the head tag. Default is nil. | |
HIDDEN? [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] boolean | |
Indicates whether the object should effectively be a hidden-object even if specified in :objects. Default is nil. | |
HTML-CLASS [from BASE-AJAX-SHEET] string or nil | |
Names the value of class attribute for the html tag. Default is nil. | |
List of HTML sections to be scanned and possibly replaced in response to GDL Ajax calls. Override this slot at your own risk. The default is all sections who are most recently laid out on the respondent sheet, and this is set programmatically every time the sheet section's main-div is demanded. | |
List of valid HTML sections to be scanned and possibly replaced in response to GDL Ajax calls. Override this slot at your own risk. The default is all sections who are most recently laid out on the respondent sheet, and this is set programmatically every time the sheet section's main-div is demanded. | |
This can be used with (str .) [in cl-who] or (:princ .) [in htmlGen] to output this section of the page, without the wrapping :div tag [so if you use this, your code would be responsible for wrapping the :div tag with :id (the dom-id).] | |
JS-TO-EVAL [from SKELETON-UI-ELEMENT] string of valid javascript | |
This Javascript will be send with the Ajax response, and evaluated after the innerHTML for this section has been replaced. | |
ORDERED-FORM-CONTROLS [from SKELETON-UI-ELEMENT] list of gdl objects, which should be of type 'base-form-control | |
. [Note -- this slot is not really necessary for protecting out-of-bounds sequence references anymore, the form-control processor protects against this by itself now]. These objects are validated and bashed first, in the order given. If the cardinality of one form-control depends on another as in the example below, then you should list those dependent objects first. Default is nil.
| |
PACKAGES-TO-IGNORE list of keyword symbols | |
These packages will be ignored. This list defaults to standard internal and test packages | |
POSSIBLE-NILS [from SKELETON-UI-ELEMENT] list of keyword symbols | |
Messages corresponding to form fields which could be missing from form submission (e.g. checkbox fields). Defaults to the names of any children or hidden-children of type menu-form-control or checkbox-form-control. | |
This switch determines whether all form-controls should be preset before the final setting, in order to allow any interdependencies to be detected for validation or detecting changed values. If this is specified as a non-nil value, then any nil values of (the preset?) on individual form controls will be ignored. If this is specified as nil, then (the preset?) of individual form-controls (default of these is also nil) will be respected. Default is nil. | |
This is an empty function by default, but can be overridden in a user specialization of base-html-sheet, to do some processing before the header-plist is evaluated and before the HTTP response is actually initiated, but after the cookies-received have been set. | |
Object to respond to the form submission. Defaults to self. | |
RETURN-OBJECT [from BASE-HTML-SHEET] gdl object | |
Default object to which control will return with the write-back-link method | |
ROOT [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] gdl instance | |
The root-level node in this object's ``tree'' (instance hierarchy). | |
SAFE-CHILDREN [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] list of gdl instances | |
All objects from the :objects specification, including elements of sequences as flat lists. Any children which throw errors come back as a plist with error information | |
STRINGS-FOR-DISPLAY [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] string or list of strings | |
Determines how the name of objects of this type will be printed in most places. This defaults to the name-for-display (generally the part's name as specified in its parent), followed by an index number if the part is an element of a sequence. | |
TARGET [from BASE-HTML-SHEET] string | |
Name of a browser frame or window to display this page. Default of NIL indicates to use the same window. | |
TRANSITORY-SLOTS [from BASE-HTML-SHEET] list of keyword symbols | |
Messages corresponding to form fields which should not be retained against Updates to the model (e.g. calls to the update! function or hitting the Update button or link in the browser in development mode). Defaults to NIL (the empty list). | |
VISIBLE-CHILDREN [from VANILLA-MIXIN*] list of gdl instances | |
Additional objects to display in Tatu tree. Typically this would be a subset of hidden-children. Defaults to NIL. | |
Input Slots (optional, settable) | |
This javascript is added to the head of the page, just before the body. | |
UI-SPECIFIC-LAYOUT-JS [from BASE-AJAX-SHEET] absolute uri in the browser | |
. This is additional JavaScript that needs to be loaded in order to initiate the layout of a user interface. Defaults to nil. | |
USE-JQUERY? [from BASE-AJAX-SHEET] boolean | |
Include jquery javascript libraries in the page header? Default nil. | |
Computed Slots | |
TITLE [from BASE-AJAX-SHEET] string | |
The title of the web page. Defaults to "GendL Application -" .followed by the strings-for-display. | |
Objects | |
MASTER-INDEX index | |
Master index of all symbols (objects, functions, parameters, variables, constants) | |
Objects (sequence) | |
PACKAGE-DOKUMENTATIONS package-dokumentation | |
Quantified, one for each :package-to-document | |
GDL Functions | |
MAIN-SHEET-BODY [from BASE-AJAX-SHEET] string of html | |
The main body of the page. This can be specified as input or overridden in subclass, otherwise it defaults to the content produced by the :output-function of the same name in the applicable lens for html-format. | |